Thank you, ive just started listening and looking forward to hearing the series. My daughter is called Emmeline (pronounced Emma-leen) she hates being called Emma-line. She always compares it to someone called Pauline (Paul-leen not Paul-line)
Love love lovee❤❤️🔥 I am so happy I discovered your channel, and even more thrilled to know that there are so many books to binge. Thank you for your talents and efforts, and taking the time to push this out to the world. I truly enjoy your books and you are such a great writer❤️💐 I look forward to exploring the rest of your catalog.
This was amazing! I loved every bit of it. There were literally moments I was vibrating with excitement. I feel like my heart was ripped out with that ending 💔😭 I can’t wait to finish the rest of the series!
Interesting story. Im glad the characters are not perfect, but some of the choices and mistakes are so frustrating! It's s hard to keep listening towards the end. I guess a lifetime of indoctrination and ignorance wouldn't lead to wise choices.
Hey- thanks so much for listening! The opening credits did accidentally get cut off of these first two books, but you're not missing anything from the story at all. In case it's helpful, it should say, "From the Dust, Ember Society Book 1. Written by AR Colbert. Narrated by Jennifer Groberg." Hope that clears things up! :)
Thank you for listening! Claren definitely grows through the series, so I'd love to hear what you think if you keep listening through the end. Let me know!
Thank you, ive just started listening and looking forward to hearing the series. My daughter is called Emmeline (pronounced Emma-leen) she hates being called Emma-line. She always compares it to someone called Pauline (Paul-leen not Paul-line)
Amazing job. I enjoyed listening and looking forward to the next one.
Love love lovee❤❤️🔥 I am so happy I discovered your channel, and even more thrilled to know that there are so many books to binge. Thank you for your talents and efforts, and taking the time to push this out to the world. I truly enjoy your books and you are such a great writer❤️💐 I look forward to exploring the rest of your catalog.
Thanks so much!!! I appreciate you listening! 🥰
This was amazing! I loved every bit of it. There were literally moments I was vibrating with excitement. I feel like my heart was ripped out with that ending 💔😭 I can’t wait to finish the rest of the series!
Thank you for posting your amazing audiobooks on youtube best wishes to you and your family
Of course- and thank YOU for listening! I hope you enjoy them!
@@arcolbert thank you for lovelly reply i love them new subscriber to your canal best wishes to you and your family
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to hearing the next one!😊😊
I'm so happy to hear that- thanks so much for listening!!
Interesting story. Im glad the characters are not perfect, but some of the choices and mistakes are so frustrating! It's s hard to keep listening towards the end. I guess a lifetime of indoctrination and ignorance wouldn't lead to wise choices.
Amazing ❤
Thank you
Glad you like it!
11/24❤❤VERY GOOD book 📖!!!!!!!! 😁
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
When is the third book in fateborn trilogy coming out?
This book started without a beginning. I'm confused.
Hey- thanks so much for listening! The opening credits did accidentally get cut off of these first two books, but you're not missing anything from the story at all. In case it's helpful, it should say, "From the Dust, Ember Society Book 1. Written by AR Colbert. Narrated by Jennifer Groberg." Hope that clears things up! :)
Also, in the drop down box there's a full explanation!😊😊
The story is very good but the girl is entitelt , stupid and selfish .Hope she will improve in the other books.
Thank you for listening! Claren definitely grows through the series, so I'd love to hear what you think if you keep listening through the end. Let me know!
She cant stop flapping her gums causing people their lives