Recently found your channel and subscribed. Currently, I am listing, as well as, resonating with your calm wise words. However, I'm 67, alone and did not plan for the future; therefore ,my funds are limited as I depend on SS and a part-time job. My fault with no one to blame, but myself and past foolish choices. I'm not a victim as I'm still learning along the way of my journey. Unfortunately, older people have a hard time securing jobs which is tragic. I miss the items and freedom I once had when I made a decent living but, bless what I do have. Sleep is crucial and my eating habits have changed but for the better. Thank you for your videos as they are like listening to a dear friend offering their wisdom and compassion. Blessings and much gratitude to you.
Great advice! I've been very busy all my life doing stuff I love. When I was in my 20s & early 30s I could take a 25 minute nap after work and a snack and then go out dancing til 2. Up the next day and ready for work I loved . I'm 70, now and I can't nap, any more. Number 1. Restorative yoga and yoga nidra are a nice substitute Thank you for your videos. Very helpful
I'm 75. I just spent 25 minutes on my rebounder in the company of the Rolling Stones. It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Cape Town, and I'm going to have some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.
I dreamed of someday traveling across the United States, stopping to smell the roses and experiencing the culture wherever I went. When I told my friends what I planned to do, their opinions fell along gender lines. My female friends asked if they could be the Thelma to my Louise; the men asked, "Don't you need a man?" I was 56 when I bought a secondhand motorhome and finally set my dream in motion. It was an adventure that lasted for 10 years simply because I didn't accept that I - a woman my age and alone - couldn't do it. It wasn't always easy, there were certainly times that were a struggle, and sometimes I had to be creative to make ends meet. But, in the end, the sum total of experiences - both good and bad - were the adventure. I'm almost 70 now and am still amazed whenever I reflect on the myriad of places I have been, the many people I met, the friends that I made, year after year. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner. No one can live our dream for us. If we never choose to live it, then it was always just a dream. ~ Maryellen Anderson
Bravo 👏. Every older person should hear this, especially those of us in our golden years who have taken on the role of family caretaker - for older and younger people. Sharing with friends. Thank you so much!
Great video! I’ve been noticing some changes in my body recently. Can you elaborate more on how to differentiate between normal aging signs and something that might need medical attention? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!
Crusty bread with a smear of Melt Organic plant based, cold pressed butter. Tastes like the first European butter I had on a hard roll. This distinct memory is triggered by this product from the grocery store. Try it -- you'll like it, Jordan and friends. 🥰😋 All your words are true and appreciated. But think of what's happening right now. How we're going to survive this churn up, perhaps found only in the center of a black hole, remains to be seen. 🙏
Not Jordan Peterson. This is AI generated. To be clear, I'm not saying the content has no value, though I do find some of it dubious. One should, however, be aware of how the content was created.
Love these old age videos, thank you Jordan.
Not only are you an intellectual to young men how you are also a common sense giver, which helps people live their lives. Thank you.
Recently found your channel and subscribed. Currently, I am listing, as well as, resonating with your calm wise words. However, I'm 67, alone and did not plan for the future; therefore ,my funds are limited as I depend on SS and a part-time job. My fault with no one to blame, but myself and past foolish choices. I'm not a victim as I'm still learning along the way of my journey. Unfortunately, older people have a hard time securing jobs which is tragic. I miss the items and freedom I once had when I made a decent living but, bless what I do have. Sleep is crucial and my eating habits have changed but for the better. Thank you for your videos as they are like listening to a dear friend offering their wisdom and compassion. Blessings and much gratitude to you.
I’m so happy I discovered this channel today. Thank you for your words of wisdom. ❤
Great advice! I've been very busy all my life doing stuff I love. When I was in my 20s & early 30s I could take a 25 minute nap after work and a snack and then go out dancing til 2. Up the next day and ready for work I loved . I'm 70, now and I can't nap, any more. Number 1.
Restorative yoga and yoga nidra are a nice substitute
Thank you for your videos.
Very helpful
I am going to do everything. With Love
I'm 75. I just spent 25 minutes on my rebounder in the company of the Rolling Stones. It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Cape Town, and I'm going to have some scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Thank you
From my heart
Getting ready to walk to the grocery. I'm definitely planning to buy that chocolate pie that I passed by last time! Thanks, Doc!
Great video❤❤❤❤
Love these so wise words. I'm starting today. 😊
I dreamed of someday traveling across the United States, stopping to smell the roses and experiencing the culture wherever I went. When I told my friends what I planned to do, their opinions fell along gender lines. My female friends asked if they could be the Thelma to my Louise; the men asked, "Don't you need a man?"
I was 56 when I bought a secondhand motorhome and finally set my dream in motion. It was an adventure that lasted for 10 years simply because I didn't accept that I - a woman my age and alone - couldn't do it. It wasn't always easy, there were certainly times that were a struggle, and sometimes I had to be creative to make ends meet. But, in the end, the sum total of experiences - both good and bad - were the adventure.
I'm almost 70 now and am still amazed whenever I reflect on the myriad of places I have been, the many people I met, the friends that I made, year after year. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner. No one can live our dream for us. If we never choose to live it, then it was always just a dream. ~ Maryellen Anderson
Bravo 👏. Every older person should hear this, especially those of us in our golden years who have taken on the role of family caretaker - for older and younger people. Sharing with friends. Thank you so much!
More of this Aging!
Happy I found this
Lots to think about
Feels like therapy again with my favorite therapist.Following for sure.
Life long habits of living frugal r sometimes hard t change as common sense dictates otherwise
Love and appreciate all you're kind words.❤🙏
Great video! I’ve been noticing some changes in my body recently. Can you elaborate more on how to differentiate between normal aging signs and something that might need medical attention? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!
here here👏👏👏...x
Anxious to hear you
❤ interesting,😊😊😊😊
Crusty bread with a smear of Melt Organic plant based, cold pressed butter. Tastes like the first European butter I had on a hard roll. This distinct memory is triggered by this product from the grocery store. Try it -- you'll like it, Jordan and friends. 🥰😋 All your words are true and appreciated. But think of what's happening right now. How we're going to survive this churn up, perhaps found only in the center of a black hole, remains to be seen. 🙏
My son and grandson went to Jordon at the Scotia Area such a great show,
2 ,, love this ❤
No 2 ❤
Here again .... the prior video on 'foods for strength' T.Y.!!
My family didn't do that !
The "old women" description does'nt sound too flattering!
I would rather read mature woman instead of OLD. Merci
Mexicans eating tacos with home made salsa🎉
Why is this men telling what woman feel, think etc
Not Jordan Peterson. This is AI generated. To be clear, I'm not saying the content has no value, though I do find some of it dubious. One should, however, be aware of how the content was created.
so, we all have unlimited funds to take all sorts of trips and buy nice clothes and take beckoning classes?
Jordan bot.
Yes. I love Estelle raspberry soufflé. Love every bites
Isn't Jordan a carnivore? Only eats meat??