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Reviews for "_-={The Dead's Witness}=-_"


Again you thrill me with your work Maestro. MY favorite thing to do with it is find the story of mine that relates with the song. Maestro, this one has succeeded as well. A more recent story, but one of my best, Kingdom Epic.
The archsage's apprentice, a wily and headstrong boy, good with a sword, is shunned by his master because of an ancient power corrupting the archsage's soul. upon controlling the emperor behind the lines, the archsage stretches the Empire's arm across the land. the boy, whom dissagrees with this, is betrayed by his master, and the archsage attempts to kill the boy. driven by fear, hatred, anger, and a desire to see his home restored, the boy travels west across the land, gathering people to his sides to face the empire. he finds his way in the a great nation where he and his party build an army to face the archsage and the Empire, and in his journey, the boy becomes a man, finds love, and realizes the hardships of war.
Upon the deserted ridge between lands, the armies meet, and the mage unearths the power of dragons granted to him by the same ancient power the archsage was granted fire. the great battle of the ridge takes place, and the imperial army falls, the archsage destroyed by his once allied apprentice. the Mage restores his home and becomes the emperor of his land. That boy is actually who became Rainmaster Dragoon, his name is Marcus Rainmaster

MaestroRage responds:

One of these days Oracle, you will have to show me this story in all it's glory. I would like to read it.

Especially the fighting scenes, my imagination goes CRAZY for those :D!

And the fact that it's of epic propertions only makes it juicier.

I'm glad you could find a story to relate to this piece, truth be told I don't feel it is battlish enough to tell such an epic story, perhaps more near the end for a victory feel!

In any case, thank you for the review, I enjoyed the story so thank you again for that. Once more i'm glad you liked it ^^.

So sorry..

Back to the song:
First of course, just the music composition itself. Once again, you bring back the beautiful war drums, flute, and choirs. This choir sounds slightly different to me... obviously the ones that do the warcry, but the heavenly one too. I'm not sure if they are, for I get to listen to all of these songs less and less until glorious spring arrives. The war drums are once again phenomenal and add the immortal feel to the "Dead's Witness". Especially where they reenter the song after the windchimes. Which brings me to the windchimes...They seem a little to...ugh...cant think of a proper way to describe them..they give the right feel I think you're going for in the song, but seem kind of toneless to me..I'm not sure, but I love their effect on the song (which ill go into later). The strings: I see less of these in this song, which is kind of a nice break from your other songs, I guess TOO many strings would make the "Dead's Witness" seem gentle..but not in a manner a beast would be in.

THE STORY! Time for the fun part = P.

As we go into the song, our heros keep hearing rumors about an untamable, unkillable beast that lives upon a local mountain (local to the infinately tall castle in the "These Angels of War" story). They believe this beast will have some interesting information, or gaurding some interesting information from them that is very important to their cause. As they set off, they see this mountain, shadowed in a mystic fog, and oracle-like feeling. They arrive at the base of the mountain and start up. It is a journey, not without it's difficulties. They reach the summit, exhausted from climbing, fighting, and just plain surviving, for they have been traveling for what seems like ages now. They notice no cave, or any other monster-dwelling cavern, but almost a stairway to heaven, for this summit was only an illusion. They countinue up, and arrive at the top, immediately facing a beast of mounsterous proportions. The wind beats against them as they stand, looking straight into the returned stare of the beast (chimes). They begin to have a feeling not new to them as the Witness looms over them...fear. They had come to far to lose another friend to an immortal beast, too far to lose hope...They charge the beast all at once and swing with fatal qualities...but the dead's witness stands still, and as the weapons strike him, is unmoved. Like the mountain itself it is unmovable. Behind it however lies a temple. They then figure that the goal shall not be slaying the beast, as they are used to, but getting into the temple and out alive. With a sudden movement they dash in all differnt directions, but with an unseen movement, the witness strikes them all back onto their backs. Now seeing a problem with their tactics, they sit, and meditate. They here a voice, (the one of the wise old man's from "These Angels of War"). Being calmed by this presence, our heros walk towards the beast, weaponless, and walk right past, unopposed. Now entering the temple they fight a holy room of white marble, with only a tombstone on a small patch of grass. They read it,
"The man, the beast, the evil.
They are one in the same.
Wisdom, power, Hatred.
Fear but one of them.
For if your fear each of them.
You shall not get far."
On atop this stone lay a sword, embued within it not only a remarkably unuasual symbol....It was glowing with majesty, pulsing with power, and shrouded in dark mystery. They grab the sword, and turn to eachother saying,
"Funny, the answer to the puzzle we just completed was the reward for completing it. Plus this sword of easily seen great value." Remarks one. As they exit the temple the fog had effectively turned black, the beast red eyed, and the feel evil. They now stare at the beast in a new light, in every since of the term. They reach to their sides for their weapons to find none, they had left all of them on the other side of the beast, all but the Sword of the 3.
Well, that was fun, but this song isn't quite enough of a battle feel to go further, (plus im running out of ideas).

MaestroRage responds:

An interesting story, I must admit to find the warriors meditate and walk by unhindered was a puzzle. This beast seemed to only react to hostility, yet when the blades were taken from the crypt, the beast became filled with rage, with a darkness.

Triggered by seeing the blade? Perhaps the blades removal unleashed a spirit that took control of the indestructible beast.

An interesting concept...

The encryption on the stone with that small poem too is a puzzle. If they fear all they won't get far, but even just fearing one of those would hinder the fighters to a dead end, more then likely their graves. Fear will destroy their discipline and strength, their unity and minds. Even having one fear remain is dangerous.

" Plus this sword of easily seen great value"

Was this the start of their own corruption, greed?

As for the bells sounding toneless, I must admit I did not think bells could sound toneless, perhaps you mean they do not really sound alive, or part of the piece, and that is a possibility, those bells seem to be an area of debate.

In any case, it was a great story, I appreciated it ^^. Thank you for the review WisestMagi, i'm glad you liked it! Expect a pm soon for a lil gift.


i downloaded cause i tought i'll liked
i was right about that. i like it :p

MaestroRage responds:

Awesome! Glad to see you are still around sorohanro! Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it ^^.

Hair raising

very nice and very strong,in the calm kinda way. Actually it's the first time I've been able to get lost in my thoughts for a while, thanks for that. You used just the right sounds and I really like how at times it would progress and get stonger but then suddenly fade off, it really teases the adreneline. Anyways really nice piece and just so you know because I can imagine it's pretty sweet(lol) I have 3 of your songs on my mp3 player and listen to them while I study an such.

keeps it real homie, <--- :p

MaestroRage responds:

I can't study to music anymore XD. Whenever I have a track playing my brain goes into dissection mode and I have to pay attention to the piece, cutting it up to see if I can learn anything from it...


Oh well, i'm glad the piece was able to help you escape for a while, that is the ultimate reason for these pieces, to give the listeners a brief glimpse of something else, somewhere else. Even if it's just one minute, to live away from reality is an exhilarating experience.

I'm glad you like the works, i'll be sure to keep them coming ^^. Thanks for the review.


Well, the thing that impresses me the most about this track is the interplay between the elements. The low strings and the solo strings, the flute and the strings, and the choir too.

With that percussion and the 'warrior cry' sample it really reminds me of Age Of Empires. In fact, I can easily imagine this slipping into the latest form of that series. Actually, no-one would deny this track would have a place in any professional production. Movie, game, or otherwise.

I tend to think that the bell sounds are highly effective. It seems to have caused a few mixed comments, but to create an icy image is there any better way? Tried and tested.

Very nice how the flute took over the solo violins role (at least I think its a violin) as the lead instrument. And just when I'm considering how wonderful strings would sound returning into the fray, you deliver! I like the change in mood here, less uncertainty, seems like action looms close!

Well, another first rate effort, thanks for making it!

MaestroRage responds:

Thanks dj-padman1, thanks for listening! The piece was for me a great undertaking, it is to date the most worked on piece I have ever done. Normally I spend a day or two on a song tops before I have to move on due to overwhelming amount of ideas that get angry at not being given a chance to live, but this one told them all to kindly shut their trap.

2 weeks, changing deleting, rearranging, making fun of mothers, the whole boat!

I'm glad you liked the bells, I am not regretful at having them, they in my eyes achieve a certain attribute for the piece that would otherwise not be there.

In the final version the violin has a shorter role, I felt the sound was too abrasive to the ears if you listened to it more then once, and a mix of flutes plays a bigger role.

I'm grateful for the review padman, thank you for it. I'm glad you liked it!