- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Original Video: • Ben 10 VS Kevin 11 POW...
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if your team ben 10 pls like
I am also. team. ben10
Yes Ben 10 No kevin 11
👇. 👇
Ben is the best
Ben 10
BEN 10
Ben 10 till I die
👇 if you agree, Ben 10
Whoever made this is such a GLAZER for Kevin
0:45 Just because Ditto has a lower power level doesn't mean that he loses
Team Ben ten👇👇👇👇🤫🧏🏻🗣️
I’ve seen everything new Ben 10 character from Ben 10, Ben 10, alien force, Ben 10, ultimate alien, Ben 10, Omniverse, and Ben 10
I'm a BeckbroJack fan so team Ben 10
Teen Ben 10
Pesky dusk can make you go to sleep so while it isn’t a fighter it’s likely you wont be beating it anytime soon plus even vilgax was scared when Ben turned into this alien
Ben Tennyson Ultimate Echo-Echo nearly killed Ultimate Kevin Levin, Gwen had to intervene to stop Ben from killing Kevin.
Then how did ultimate Echo Echo lose in the power level compirasan?
@@MaddoxBoaz Because of bias.
@@MaddoxBoazbruh it those not make sense
Wampire is basically a vampire that can hypnotize people and aliens
team Ben 10😊
Ben 10!!!!
BEN 10
BEN 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Team 11
@@MiguelCan783Ben 10>>>>>Kevin 11
If you are beckbrojack fans like this comment
Not jack 😑👑
Im Alec and jack and Adam
New World Ben 10
Ben 10
We love the beckbros
Why did Alec and Adam choose Kevin they chose the losing team when you have Alien X you pretty much just won
good point
because it wouldnt make sence for everybody to be on the winning team
A separate team
Even without Alien X, Ben could have won
And given that Alien X has 2 forms, I pretty much know who's going to win.
Ben 10 ❤❤❤🎉🎉 team beckbrojack
W BenTen and under 10 minute gang
Bullfrag is like a human frog with martial arts
The person who made it realy glazes kevin levin
#team Ben ten
reacts to warden vs mutant skeleton in GAM Animation
i am 100% convinced the creator of the og power level comparison video is on something. Alien X has INFINITE POWER he can do ANYTHING including making kevin a human which will get rid of all his mutations and forms (Kevin is an Osmosian) and the omnitrix makes the peak of those species but idk bout Alien X. Also he can solo DB/Z/S
banger i love th vieoes ben ten
The new skibidi toilet episode has the best animation quality and fight out of every skibidy multiverse combined
Bruh skibbidi toilet is dead no one likes it anymore
@@MimiGreenwell say that to the millions who watch it and all the theorists Chanel’s and all the fan animations. Besides dafuqboom is one of the best animators and I’d like to see you try to animate something half as good
@@GooseMan-o8vthe channels just those it for Money
"if I told you this is what the world looks like 100 years from your time, what would you do?"
0:19 Units
3:14 Tens
8:54 Hundreds
13:15 Thousands
14:18 Quintillons
14:54 Septillions
This makes sense because the omnitrix was never suposed to be a wepon of violence, just science, experiments and that kind of bs, so aliens weaker than ben should b3 no suprise, anyways, in the classic series ben was 10yo and kefin was 10yo
Kevin is 1 year older than Ben no?
@@TornAlpaca yeah, sorry I forgot nvm that my point still stands
New skibidi toilet episode is insane
No one cares
@@My-name-is-oof no one cares about your dad leaving for the milk
Ben 10 always bit Kevin 11❤❤❤ like for Alien X 👍👍
I ❤ Ben 10
Im. The. Firstttt
Sry I was first
these ben 10 scales need to be checked immediatley
The guy you said you never saw is Awsome bro
so far jacks been right that power scale is fake as heck
Ben 10 ben 10 ben 10 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ beckbrojack
Team. Ben. 10❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Day 1 of asking for yall to react to saitama vs popeye death battle
team ben 10❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Adam acts like he knows some of his aliens
👇 collector if you pick ben 10 👇 click here if you pick kevin 11
Team Ben 10 👇.
Go, let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s goooooooooo!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
To answer your question, "1000912 genetic sampl3s available" not including the like 10 he scaned after that
Toepick vs Kevin 11
Ben 10(Ultimate aliens) vs Kevin 11
Water Hazard vs Kevin 11(Matter Absorbtion)
Chromastone vs Kevin 11(All armour)
NRG vs Diamond armour
Alien X vs all aliens
This episode missed the dimension where Kevin 11 built his own on Omnitrix
Then they found out what was the carnitrix is now 💀
Team kevin elevin 👇( I skipped to the end)
If Only Kevin Could Also Turn Into A Red Alien That Can Fly!
TEAM Ben 10 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ben 10 go win because I know he only has 10 monsters in the first series on Netflix, but boy this man has over nine clones I think and guess what clothes things can make mega tricks 4K thousand aliens in there so Ben 10 is gonna win and Kevin 11 is gonna lose
Team Ben 10🎉🎉🎉🎉oh yeah😊
4:58 Kevin is 1/2 Osmosian so he isn’t entirely human
The last kevin eleven form is canon in the original ben ten on the last episode
Team ben 10
The guy who made this video is bullying Ben 10👹😠👺
Umm that's beckbrojack😂
Clockwork,feedback and alien X are the gods
I like these Ben 10 ones
There is absolutely no way diamond kevin 11 is just as strong as full size humongasaur
This video is proof that Jack is smartest of the 3
2 secons on. Vid. I commented:)
Ben 10. Kevin 11.
👍. 👎
Ben 10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Kevin 11 😑
Ben 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤️🧡💜❤️🔥
Team Ben 10
Mole Stache looks like Alec
👇 if you agree
I love ben10
Team Ben 10🏋!
He just knows some of the characters
Kevin 11 I didn’t watch the show of the two guys put I just went off the intro description
Kevin 11 electric absorption looks like saskue like this if you agree
How every alien can solo kevin, this is correct, disagreements are irrelevant.
Heatblast, he can scorch him from long range
Diamond head, he can juat rain on him with very dence, fast flying diamonds
Wildmut, uhhhhh
Grey matter(if he had prep time, hes to small to do shi~ if not), he woupd bazuka vaporize him or something
4arms, self explanatory
Ripjaws, lead him under water, pray hes to stubid to use his electric powers and go ham
Nvm im to lazy to continue sorry
Team ben 10❤❤❤❤❤❤
If alien x had a super ultra form br would be cooled
Jack do a pj masks +Spider-Man +benten
Great idea
@@louisaeseanobi1927commenting on your own comment is so cute
Why pj masks the would lose super fast
Ben 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wait a minute... Isn't Ditto from Ben 10 a reference from Pokémon?
No bro ditto is a slime
Ditto Means The Same Thing Over Again, So, He Clones, And His Clones Look Alike, So, They Are The Same Thing Over Again, They Actually Think About The Name Before Giving To The Alien, Also I Always Wondered, What If Skurd Was Attached To The Omnitrix And Ben Turned Into Him?, Would Only 1 Ditto Have Skurd On The Omnitrix?, Or Will They All Be Tightly Squished Together So They Can Share Skurd?
10 year old Ben 10 is very skilled his inventive when escaping is very fast and later he learns how to dodge literal lasers as a human
Under an hour
Ben 10 all the way🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
This episode forgot Shrock rock
Team Ben 10 omniverse
Ben 10 has at least 1,000,912 different aliens
Is everyone ignoring the fact that normal waybig beat Kevin 11 best form
ben 10 fans
I swear you are downgrading every alien you see on screen
Eden, Bulgarian Edgewater, Ben 10 images so cool
I don't think the video shown is accurate because most aliens shown in the video could probably beat Kevin, in the video, it states Ditto isn't weaker, which I believe is wrong since Ditto can easily separate into multiple copies. In UA, Ben uses his alien forms (mainly Ultimate Echo Echo) to take down Ultimate Kevin. In fact, Ben could have killed Kevin right then and there if it weren't for Gwen. But, Kevin is still pretty strong himself still.
That was just Alien X’s estimated full power to think
Kevin has electric energy if he suck energy from lights thats why hes strong and he can observe ben tens elien if you watch ben 10
BenTen is best W😄😄
Team Ben 10 All day
Hi beckbros can you please react to a special dinosaur game showcase if you search jurassic world evolution 2 every dinosaur release animations so will you find it and its very cool pls react to it i love your channel and im team ben 10!!!!!!!!!
Sorry guys but i desagree thats incorrect and ben 10 dont need alien x to beat kevin
Ben 10 go ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Team Ben 10 all the way.
The bias on this is CRAZY! Tonnes of aliens on this list should've been higher than they were, and a few should've been lower down.
...But seriously though, Fourarms loses to wood armor and Heatblast is weaker than his half-fish equivalent?