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Mar 18, 2021 2:39 PM

Oct 2014
Every week when I watch this I'm just thinking to myself, is this a joke?
It's Morbin' Time!
Mar 18, 2021 2:46 PM

Jul 2013
hakaihisaki said:
towelgirl21 said:
1. Wtf did all the hot air balloons come from?

2. In episode 3, Sanju said that he can hardly wait to eat humans again. According to his religious beliefs, they just have to be hunted in the wild, not farmed. So all the prime breeding stock is out of the farm... win-win. He's been alive for centuries, all he's got to do is wait for a few more.

3. So the demon civilians and some humans have overturned the farm system. What is the government going to say / do about this? It's a socioeconomic collapse.

4. Why didn't Isabella splatter that Peter Ratri guy's brains on the wall before Emma even started with her friendship shtick?

At least it wasn't a boring episode.

You know what would solve the rest of the story problems? Another MAGIC PEN CAP.

1. From the twins McGuffin and D.X.Machina :P

3. In the manga it's actually a main plot point, but there is only 1 episode left so the anime probably gonna skip it.

4. Cause plot. Dah...

About point 3, that's a damn shame: they've got this whole interesting world for the anime to explore, and it's probably just going to be ignored. I will most likely read the manga at some point, and I've gotten a few spoilers (mainly about Mujika and why she's called the Evil-Blooded Girl), and it sounds way more interesting than "Hey look, a magic pen cap!"

Even if the manga ending sucks, I really enjoyed all the careful planning that the kids did in the first season. That was the draw for me.
Mar 18, 2021 2:49 PM

Mar 2012
i wish i could described how excited i got when all the maids with guns showed up

then they turned out to not be bad :(
Mar 18, 2021 3:21 PM

Sep 2017
Oh man. Sure he idea of a stealth rescue mission is cool in concept but...

Btw did they say 5 farms with 40 ppl each? Are you for real? That is not even remotely enough to feed the amount of demons in this world. This whole world makes literally zero sense. It's just so shit. Like what everyone who works at the farms secretly has the special blood or something? And like one lick of a human brain is enough to keep a demon sane for years? Like what?

Also for only 5 farms that seems like a lot of Moms js...
Mar 18, 2021 3:35 PM

Nov 2016
Ngl, this was absolute trash, where the fuck did the kids get all those balloons and the shit to make explosions, seriously all the shit that has been happening lately it feels so, so bad, worse than Ex-Arm tbh, only good animation.
Mar 18, 2021 3:37 PM

Nov 2016
ProofByColor said:
Oh man. Sure he idea of a stealth rescue mission is cool in concept but...

Btw did they say 5 farms with 40 ppl each? Are you for real? That is not even remotely enough to feed the amount of demons in this world. This whole world makes literally zero sense. It's just so shit. Like what everyone who works at the farms secretly has the special blood or something? And like one lick of a human brain is enough to keep a demon sane for years? Like what?

Also for only 5 farms that seems like a lot of Moms js...
In the manga is explained and showed better, here they didn't even mention it tbh, there are other farms around the world that consist in obesse and brainless kids that are created just to be eaten, like "trash food".

The main farms where the kids are intellectual were mostly for the rich and royal families.
But then again, they don't say shit about that here.
Mar 18, 2021 3:37 PM

Nov 2020
AdolZeppeli said:
Nothing bad ever happens: The anime

Super Yikes, this show doesn't stop reaching lows, how far will you go Cloverworks and Shirai?

It's especially sad that a series with an opening premise of a farm that breeds children for consumption has become so toothless. Not that every story needs to be AOT levels of brutal, but you can't hold back when you have a premise this dark if you want it to be believable.
Are ya winning, diners?
Mar 18, 2021 3:43 PM

Jun 2020
This is a public service announcement to warn everyone about EMMA HYPNO-WAVES. It seems to be a highly contagious phenomenon going around lately, to the point where it's affecting armies of humans and demons alike. Symptoms include becoming a slave to the whims of an idealistic child and rapid loss of brain cells. It's essential that you stay safe and take precautions.

Sidenote: Remember that anime original Isabella scene? I actually thought they were gonna do something different with her. Ah, the good old days.
Mar 18, 2021 3:43 PM
Dec 2020
I´m so confused !!! I don´t know what to think !!!!
Yes the plan went well, but it was so easy... everything went well despite the last part of course).
Yes the Isabella betrayal was cool, but so predictable ...
Actually don´t know if this episode was good or bad.

PS: Best thing about this ep was Phill, the kids is adorable as hell
Mar 18, 2021 3:43 PM

Feb 2021
Blackkatsu001 said:
how could anyone defend or even enjoy this anime anymore?

fanboyism is a dangerous (and highly irritating) thing
Mar 18, 2021 3:45 PM

Feb 2021
juniorrrbello said:
I just realised this show is a huge catfish you know. The only death of the main cast (the children) is in the first episode, and throughout the rest of the show they managed to leave the farm, get to the human world, debate over killing the whole of demon kind, and then decide to go back to the farm to defeat the final boss, all the while having a total of zero casualties.

Like at this point can you blame emma for being optimistic tf if I was her I would be as selfish and unrealistic as I want, I mean everything seems to be going her way with absolutely no inconveniences.

At this rate the show will drop to 6.0-6.5 territory (imagine a show being a whole 2 points lower than it's first season eeesh)

Seriously, not a single, SINGLE major death in the entire rest of the series, the manga didn't kill a whole lot either, but the ones it did kill had impact on the story and showed that the world was NOT SAFE
Mar 18, 2021 3:46 PM
Feb 2021
People are really hating on this episode just to hate on it, yes the beginning of the season was shit but they've made a real comeback and I don't understand why people can't see that. This episode was overall really good yet it would have been nice if we got more back story on how they made the balloons
Mar 18, 2021 3:51 PM
Aug 2020
glad that phil is safe now :3
Mar 18, 2021 3:55 PM

Jun 2020
GirlsAreGross said:
People are really hating on this episode just to hate on it, yes the beginning of the season was shit but they've made a real comeback and I don't understand why people can't see that. This episode was overall really good yet it would have been nice if we got more back story on how they made the balloons

Feels like you're talking in reverse. I thought the first few episodes were the only good thing about this season.
Mar 18, 2021 3:58 PM
Feb 2020
LMAOO wtf is this episode? I didn’t even read the manga and i even think the plot is going way too fast. The table just kept getting turned its not even serious in the end.
Mar 18, 2021 4:31 PM

Feb 2020

nice to see all of the mothers working together
Mar 18, 2021 4:36 PM

Dec 2014
So is this following the manga on some level or is it more original? Do the same things happen?

I kinda liked the episode as an anime only for this season, everything went a little too well for the kids but it's alright, if they just wanna end it on a happy note, I wouldn't mind too much.

The reunion between Phil and Emma was very touching. Isabella taking the kids' side was great too. Can't say I care for Peter Ratri though.
Mar 18, 2021 4:39 PM

Apr 2017
I can’t believe that the demon government really got baited by that hot air balloon trick - and a ploy played by kids at that 🤡

I understand the coup with the “mothers” and “sisters”, since they have shown empathy for their children, having been through the same experience and wanting to give them the best time possible before being turned into food or one a fellow mother/sister. However, now all of the civilian demons are being rebelling after being fuelled on some magic evil blood?

I wonder what this whole millennia-long Ratri promise is, and where things will lead off from here into the final episode of the season.
Mar 18, 2021 4:42 PM

Aug 2017
Season 2 is a bad fanfiction. No good guys are dying, weak villains, everything in so stupid. I hate this season so much.
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Mar 18, 2021 5:18 PM

Dec 2013
Another bad episode. Balloons stuff was dumb on so many levels. Between making multiple hot air balloons in just one day and the demons only choosing to take down the first few and left the rest alone.

It's a shame to see how far this season has fallen.
Mar 18, 2021 5:20 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
That balloons scene was so goddamn convenient with the demons only downing the ones with the bombs, Sonju and the Lambda people and lettings the ones with the kids go, jesus christ it hurts..
Mar 18, 2021 5:21 PM

Apr 2020
Wow, just wow.... Everything went by way too fast lmfao.
No deaths? No sense of danger? What happened? Also, Isabella changing sides was meh. No buildup, no explanation, nothing. The action was meh as well. And that ending tho, YIKES. Let's see how they're going to end this, I guess. Even as an anime only, the drop in quality is very apparent.
MilesSmiles57Mar 18, 2021 5:29 PM
Mar 18, 2021 5:39 PM

Feb 2016
ScottMerica said:
AdolZeppeli said:
Nothing bad ever happens: The anime

Super Yikes, this show doesn't stop reaching lows, how far will you go Cloverworks and Shirai?

It's especially sad that a series with an opening premise of a farm that breeds children for consumption has become so toothless. Not that every story needs to be AOT levels of brutal, but you can't hold back when you have a premise this dark if you want it to be believable.

I felt the same when I read the manga past goldy pond, suddenly everything I once loved went down the drain, I just couldn't understand what went through the author's head, suddenly, he pussy out and made a wizard control the fate of the children, because no way in hell simple kids could've done something like this without any casualties, not without Emma's naïve mindset. I was surprised at how people could buy this on the manga, but I'm glad the anime is making people open their eyes, but the anime made it worse somehow.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Mar 18, 2021 5:54 PM

Jul 2013
Sonju in episode 3, waiting for the next generation of natural, non-farmed humans to live free:

This is Mujika's right-hand man.

Maybe Emma will get her wish that no one has to be sacrificed for someone else to live, but that doesn't mean they won't be hunted and eaten in the future anyway.
Mar 18, 2021 5:55 PM

Feb 2018
Biggest dropoff from season 1 to 2 I've ever seen. At this point, I just want it to end. Put me out of my misery.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Mar 18, 2021 5:56 PM

Jun 2017
They just had to keep in Emma's last bullshit with asking living together with the bad final boss from the manga. lmao

Also, with the anime cutting the queen and the can pretty much expect a bad end for those with the anti-degeneration blood after Emma and everyone fucks off to the other side because surely everyone will be slaughtered again.
Mar 18, 2021 6:22 PM

Apr 2020
Is it just me, or did this wrap up way to cleanly? The kids are able to get the resources to build several hot air balloons and Mujica was able to distribute her blood to what looks to be hundreds if not thousands of demons.

I expected the kids to fool the adults/Demons in order to get inside the farm and free the other kids and for Isabella to side with the kids.

However, I expected everything to go horribly wrong with the Demons already expecting these things to happen resulting in people getting killed (reinforcements actually show up instead of the civilian demons rioting). I thought Emma or Phil were going to die when they saw each other.

Mar 18, 2021 6:34 PM

Sep 2017
of course emma had to give mercy to the bad guy, like pls no
every thing is moving way to fast and everything seems to be going emmas way, like this show hasnt had a death since the first episode. I thought we were to see more deaths and casuties with the kids having to survive outside the house.
Isabella siding with the children was a little predictable too bc things seem to be going way too well for the children which is good but still...

i loved the part of Emma and Phil reuniting tho it was really touching,

interested to see how they are going to wrap up this season

Mar 18, 2021 6:40 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
A great episode for me who didn't read the manga at all. Looking forward to see how it all wraps up..... if it does with the next episode!
Mar 18, 2021 6:49 PM
Apr 2020
Wow! Best episode of the season so far!

So Grandma Isabella leaked the info to help them and Vincent pretended be a traitor and leaked their escape and tricked the Farm admins. And Grandma Isabella as well as the other Mamas are now on their side! Plus the demon civilians are helping them! Subarashi! Hope their plan will be a success. It's time to go back to the human world!

Mar 18, 2021 7:09 PM
Nov 2019
The reunion was good but other than that everything just felt super rushed. It just feels like they'd rather be done with this show than give anything time. And for a show known for its suspense, there wasn't a tense moment in this episode. It was obvious that Isabella would betray Ratri long before it happened, and literally everything else went according to plan for the kids.
Mar 18, 2021 7:19 PM
Nov 2020
keezyjeezy said:
Ok I've seen better episodes in the series, but this episode took me from 😀 to ☹️ to 🥳🤩 y'all need to watch this anime if you haven't it has it's faults but it's amazing

This was a waste of a amazing first season for the shittiest second season bruh idk what you’re on but this season was horrible
Mar 18, 2021 7:57 PM

Dec 2020
i didn’t mind this episode, it definitely wasn’t as bad as some other ones we’ve seen this season

phil is like my favorite ever i’m glad to see him again :))

just one more week, huh? idk how to feel about that
"give up on your dream and die" -levi ackermann
Mar 18, 2021 8:06 PM

Jul 2016
So smooth, Norman. Making the audience believe Vincent was a rat. In the end, we were as fooled as Ratri.

Well, leaving more plot conveniences and super fast pacing aside, I still enjoyed the hell out of this episode. Honestly, seeing Ratri thinking he got the kids just to be outsmarted in every move was so damn funny.

Phil reuniting with Emma almost got me, by the way. Must protect that precious kid.

And of course Isabella was on the kids' side since the beginning. Damn I love this woman so much ♥
Mar 18, 2021 8:06 PM
Jul 2019

The betrayer didn't actually betray them?

The infiltration was so damn easy?

The Demons are so incompetent?

Isabelle makes a sudden 180 turn and side with the kids?

The reinforcement wasn't actually reinforcement but civilians Demons supporting them?

Literally every single thing in the world worked for their favor. It was ridiculous. I lost it at the Isabelle part.

The writer just wants to wrap this no matter what even if it means sitting all over any good level or storytelling.
Mar 18, 2021 8:10 PM
Jul 2019
troilus_05s said:
Why are people hating the episode lmao? It wasn't like great but it wasn't bad either. 3/5 I guess.

No it was damn terrible. Boring? No. Terrible storytelling? Damn yes. They faced no problem at all and everything worked in their favor. Isabelle and Civilians Demons supporting them was ridiculous plot convenience. God I was just laughing by the end.
Mar 18, 2021 8:27 PM
Feb 2021
Almost everything felt rushed and unearned. Isabella is basically trash and her whole motivation could be summed up in 1 sentence that was lame. Well at least Phil was able to meet the gang, which made me a bit happy. Just release the last episode and get this fiasco over with.

Mar 18, 2021 8:30 PM

Feb 2019
Bro what the absolute fuck is this. I’m so glad I watched the Snyder cut and didn’t wait for this to drop and ruin my day. They’ve condensed literally a third of the manga into 2 episodes. This is such a slap in the face to fans it’s as bad as the whedon cut being the justice league we got.

Mom’s reveal and her betraying Peter is meant to be a big deal. It’s something that was meant to illicit an emotional reaction. Now to be fair, even in the manga it was very rushed, but the anime condensed it to like 2 minutes lmao. This just sealed the 2/10 rating
Mar 18, 2021 8:44 PM

Jan 2020
Awful again. I honestly don't feel anything when I'm watching anymore. For example, Isabella's betrayal or the reunion didn't provoke any emotion or reaction of some sort which is a big shame

Mar 18, 2021 9:11 PM

Dec 2020
el3mel said:
troilus_05s said:
Why are people hating the episode lmao? It wasn't like great but it wasn't bad either. 3/5 I guess.

No it was damn terrible. Boring? No. Terrible storytelling? Damn yes. They faced no problem at all and everything worked in their favor. Isabelle and Civilians Demons supporting them was ridiculous plot convenience. God I was just laughing by the end.

Well, I am judging it on the basis of the other episodes this season. This episode was certainly one of the best episodes of this season. The story telling was terrible, the plot conveniences were so bad but it was entertaining. It wasn't a boring episode so I don't mind. This season has already been sub par. So, I am just watching for any entertainment and this episode was entertaining even if illogical and full of plot conveniences.

Mar 18, 2021 9:28 PM
May 2020
The fandom form this series became really toxic. This was a good episode and it confirms my thought of why I usually choose to watch the anime first and then go to the original source (aka manga or light novel whatever be the case).
Mar 18, 2021 9:31 PM

Aug 2020
I really want to see Ray and Isabella have a mother child conversation. And every body thinks this is emmas plan but the plan is Ray's.
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Mar 18, 2021 9:49 PM

Dec 2020
finally a (could have been) decent ep after ep 8. it was pretty nice if you dont consider the plot conveniences which unfortunately there was a lot of them. theres 1 ep left and ive honestly lost hope. rly fucking hope its at least decent
Mar 18, 2021 10:07 PM

Dec 2018
idk wtf is happening anymore, i had hopes after watching ep8 but it was shattered in ep 9
Mar 18, 2021 10:55 PM
Jan 2021
This episode was alright ig it just seemed too predictable and rushed
Mar 18, 2021 11:11 PM
Apr 2020
stop make the anime bad cuz your reading manga and want the same .. stop emotional bad rewiewing ,,, still anime is good either
Mar 18, 2021 11:54 PM
Jul 2009
So, Isabella offered herself up for all this was full on crazy willing to do whatever and even though they had control over her it never really seemed like she would turn against the houses, how did she know the device was off, the best ending at this point is all the experimented kids including Norman succumb to their sickness form into monsters slaughter Evil Blooded Demon ending any hope of friendship or fairytale but it won’t happen.
We are angry at garbage writing that in no way supports anything we have seen from the characters, the build up to the attack wasn’t remotely close to the feeling I got when they planned to set gracefield on fire or when they were planning to escape “playing tag” there’s no emotional feeling of being happy their moving to the finish line as winners.
Jasmin12eMar 19, 2021 12:00 AM
Mar 18, 2021 11:58 PM

Feb 2014
I didn't read the manga, but it feels like they skipped 50 chapters
Mar 19, 2021 12:00 AM
Nov 2016
While the episode wasn't bad it wasn't good either, it was simply... acceptable.

The thing I really don't like about this season is that everything played out perfectly for Emma & crew, we barely saw them struggling or trying to survive, the kids never got sick and were never hungry, the plot armor bullshitery completely killed this season for me, I can't take this one seriously when I see absolutely no tension nor casualties here.

In this episode we see the kids going in a Metal Gear operation and like the previous episodes... everything turned out to be PERFECT for Emma & crew, in the 1st season we didn't have none of this shit, in the 1st season NOTHING was going perfectly for the kids, they were fighting a losing battle and the awesome climax in the ending made it all worth it but here? nah, everything went smoothly for them from the very beginning till the ending... lame.

Still, it was an acceptable episode despite the issues so I'll give this episode a 3/5.
Mar 19, 2021 12:04 AM
Apr 2017
This episode was one of the more entertaining ones in the plot, however, it left a lot to be desired. Are you telling me the same kids who spent an entire season outsmarting Isabella and friends pulled off the easiest break-in ever within a single episode? A lot of the other stuff I was willing to overlook, but this episode felt super rushed, even more so than the last few episodes. I thought we'd get to see planning, scheming, and character development, yet we only got...this. I feel like this season would have been better if they just made it 16 episodes. This episode was somewhere between a 2-3 star rating for me. 2 for the rushed pace, and 3 for the entertainment (mostly from me laughing at how convenient everything was).
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